Author: Joel Levin

Trump and the Lawless Supreme Court

We have just celebrated the 4th of July, with its parades, speeches, and fireworks announcing our pride, even conceit, that America’s Independence Day is the greatest of all Independence Days, as America is the greatest of all nations, offering its citizens the greatest of all governments. The complexities of that claim – and putting aside its apparent inadequacies, inconsistencies, incoherence, and disappointments – necessarily include a shortlist of what is critical to a view of America’s ascendant greatness. Democracy, prosperity, opportunity, and liberty are on the shortlist, and so is the rule of law.

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The flight from moral responsibility continues unabated. The politics of former President Trump and the culture that created him and that he spread, a culture of revenge, humiliation, and attacks on those possessing the wrong religion, nationality, sexuality, or political party, along with an utter disdain for democracy, is the big story of the last decade, but the craven behavior of Congress has followed closely behind.

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